Stock list

The stock list consists of essential information such as Stock ID, Product, Created Date, Created From (source), Supplier, and Quantity Available (in kilograms). It provides an overview of available stock, facilitating effective inventory management within the supply chain.


Stock details

Stock details encompass essential information such as source details, actor details, claims, price, quantity, and blockchain details. Additionally, a QR code is provided, linking to the consumer interface, enhancing traceability and facilitating access to comprehensive information about the stock.


Receive stock

The stock can be received from both single and multiple farmers. This allows for flexibility in the supply chain, accommodating scenarios where stock may come from a single farmer or multiple farmers, providing a diverse range of sources for the available inventory.

Single Farmer

Basic details includes description, street name, country, province, city/village, postal code, latitude, longitude, name, email, or contact number.


Receive stock

Receiving stock from a farmer involves a three-step process. First, update the farmer details with accurate information. Second, update the product details to include relevant information. Finally, record the received stock to maintain an accurate supply chain inventory.


Receive evidences

After updating farmer and product details while receiving stock, the next steps involve adding details of any associated claims and providing evidences for each claim. This ensures proper documentation and facilitates the resolution of any claims or disputes within the supply chain.


Receive summary

Receiving stock involves updating farmer details, including contact information and address, as well as updating product details, such as quantity and batch information. Additionally, the process may include adding claims details and providing evidences for each claim, ensuring proper documentation and dispute resolution within the supply chain.


Process stock

In the stock processing options, users can choose to convert, merge, or remove stock. These functionalities allow for the transformation of stock into different forms, combining multiple stock items, or eliminating stock from the inventory as needed during the stock management process.


Convert stock

The “Convert Stock” option enables users to transform stock from one form to another. This functionality is useful when there is a need to change the unit of measurement, modify the packaging, or convert stock into a different variant or product type within the inventory management system.


Merge stock

The “Merge Stock” option allows users to combine multiple stock items into a single entity. This functionality is useful when there are multiple batches or units of the same product that need to be consolidated to simplify inventory management and optimize storage space.


Remove stock

The “Remove Stock” option allows users to eliminate or deduct stock from the inventory. This functionality is used when stock needs to be removed due to expiration, damage, or any other reason. Removing stock helps maintain accurate inventory records and ensures that only valid and usable stock is accounted for.


Send stock

The “Send Stock” option enables users to initiate the transfer of stock to another location, such as a different warehouse or store. This functionality allows for efficient stock distribution and ensures that the stock is appropriately allocated to fulfill orders or meet demand in various locations within the supply chain.


Add transaction details

In the first step, send stock to a company by providing product details, company information, quantity, and transaction date. Further, proceed with two more steps to successfully complete the process, ensuring a seamless and efficient transaction.


Attach claims

In the second step, attach claims to the stock by associating relevant documentation or information, facilitating proper record-keeping and ensuring smooth handling of any potential claims or issues.


Send summary

The process involves sending stock to a company in three steps. In the first step, product details, company information, quantity, and transaction date are filled. In the second step, claims are attached to the stock using relevant documentation. The third step completes the process, ensuring a seamless and efficient transaction.