Trace dashboard

Trace Dashboard offers a comprehensive summary of actors (farmers and companies), transaction details, quantities, supply chains, and a map report illustrating connections. It provides an overview of supply chains, transactions, in-stock products, recent activities, and statistics on product and company claims.


Connections overview

The connections overview showcases a map view that displays the connections between farmers and suppliers. It also provides a statistics view, offering relevant data and information about these connections in a static format.


Supply chain overview

The supply chains table lists basic details such as the supply chain number, the number of tiers, the maximum chain length in kilometers, the companies involved, the farmers connected, and the chain complexity.


Claims overview

The claims overview consists of two tabs: product claims and company claims. It provides a statistical view of these claims, offering valuable insights and information regarding the claims made by products and companies.


Other details

Recent transactions, Active logs, Actions required. These sections provide information on the latest stock transactions, active logs, and any necessary actions that need to be taken.