Trace Dashboard Release Notes
Dashboard will help Trace partners will be able to gain a better understanding of the farmers and businesses involved in their food chain, track the current location of products, and assess how well brand commitments are being fulfilled.
Dashboard V 4.2.0
New Features:
Duplicate Farmer Validation: Implemented validation for duplicate farmers during bulk upload to ensure data accuracy.
Enable Connect Button: Added an “Enable Connect” button in the Admin Dashboard.
Tooltip Addition: Added a tooltip in the stock list for the supplier column for better data insight.
Duplicate Company Removal Script: Scripted removal of duplicate companies in the development environment, addressing case sensitivity issues.
Static File Fixes: Resolved static file issues in the development environment.
Product Display Optimization: Optimized the summary to display source products only once when they are identical.
Testing and Retesting: Conducted comprehensive retesting for Trace bug fixes and regression testing, including bulk upload and Geo JSON bulk upload support.
Implemented Redirection to Login upon encountering an authentication error.
Ensured page refresh when adding a new connection with the same email as an existing company.
Bug Fixes:
Dashboard Issues: Resolved various stage environment issues on the Trace dashboard.
Transaction Details Farmer Count: Fixed an inaccurate farmer count display on the transaction details page.
Filter Display: Corrected the issue where applied filter data was not displayed (stage).
Product Validation Message: Displayed appropriate validation message when re-uploading an already uploaded file.
Mapping Page Error: Resolved errors when entering invalid price and quantity on the mapping page.
Quantity Display: Corrected quantity mismatches between listing and details pages.
Invalid ID Error: Addressed invalid ID errors when selecting stocks from the stock listing page (stage).
Whitespace Validation: Added validation for mandatory fields to prevent whitespace-only entries in “Add Connection as Company” forms.
Invalid Email Validation: Added validation message for invalid email entries when adding a connection.
Filter and Passbook Issues: Fixed multiple filter issues, including incorrect amounts, auto-logout, date discrepancies, continuous API calls, and wrong labels in Farmer Passbook.
Company Name Validation: Implemented validation to display an error message when an already existing company name is entered.
Duplicate Farmers Upload: Enhanced validation for duplicate farmer entries in the Trace template bulk upload.
Transaction Display in Passbook: Fixed issues where transactions were not displaying in the farmer passbook.
Verification Display in Passbook: Resolved missing “Verified by” information in transaction details for Farmer Passbook.
Supplier Filter Update: Ensured supplier filters in the stock list update correctly when switching companies.
Loader Issue: Resolved the persistent loader page issue on the Admin Dashboard after a prolonged session timeout.
Clear Filter Button: Corrected the functionality of the clear filter button in the stock list.
Select Entire List: Fixed an issue where selecting the entire stock list would clear when loading more rows.
Sync with Connect: Enhanced error handling during sync with Connect.
SVG Upload Issue: Enabled SVG image upload in both company and farmer profiles.
Duplicate Entry Removal: Ensured no additional farmers are removed when trying to delete duplicates in the Trace Template bulk upload.
Validation Message for Duplicate Files: Added a missing validation message for files already used in bulk uploads.
Progression After Duplicate Removal: Allowed users to proceed to the next step after removing duplicate entries in Trace bulk upload.
Template Upload Error: Resolved errors encountered when uploading Trace templates in stock bulk uploads.
Fixed issue where the Farmer page could not be opened via the Admin dashboard.
Resolved issue where users were exited from “view as admin” via the Admin dashboard.
Corrected issue where company status remained inactive even after verification via the Admin dashboard.
Fixed error when clicking on Storytelling and Trace dashboard theming toggle via the Admin dashboard.
Corrected issue where the country code was not dynamically updating when a user selected a country via the Admin dashboard.
Resolved “forbidden” error when editing the Farmer profile page in production.
Fixed issue where invite emails were not sent when a new company was invited via the Admin dashboard in development.
Corrected issue where clicking the back button from the “Add multiple farmers” form redirected to the Stock list page in development.
Fixed issue where input field types could not be added in “Create new Claim” in development.
Resolved “credentials expired” message when exiting “view as admin” in a tab in development.
Fixed error when trying to invite a company to send stock in development.
Resolved token expiration issues in Trace and Admin.
Fixed “access forbidden” error when inviting a new company with an existing email ID in production.
Corrected error pop-up when canceling a remove stock transaction in development.
Fixed issue where the selection checkbox for the current and entire list was not clearing after a remove stock transaction in development.
Resolved error when bulk uploading stock via the Trace template in development.
Fixed issue where login to Trace with a new company was not possible.
Corrected issue where documents could not be deleted from the profile in Trace.
Resolved issue where the exported Stock loss report could not be downloaded in Trace.
Fixed error when trying to add a new team member in Trace.
Corrected issue where companies not in the connections were showing in the Stock request in Trace.
Added validation for the Connection type field in the Farmer bulk upload Trace template.
Fixed issue where the company name change was not reflecting after an edit in Trace.
Resolved error when trying to remove a team member in Trace.
Corrected issue where logging in for the first time resulted in an error and redirection to the App Selection page in development.
Dashboard V 4.1.1
New Features:
Conducted retesting in the staging environment.
Performed SSO testing in the development environment.
Optimized code for the Trace dashboard.
Performed SSO testing in the staging environment (CLONE).
Knowledge transfer (KT) session conducted.
Updated design for SSO authorization page.
Published release notes in Confluence.
Updated user invitation via email and added users to SSO while adding them to the company.
Fixed SSO login issues.
Removed user redirection timer.
Retested backlog items.
Conducted system testing in the staging environment.
Provided release support and testing in production for Trace.
Resolved Sentry error 5621547121.
- If stocks are the same, they are now displayed only once in the summary.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed issue where the supply chain was not displaying while creating connection labels in development.
Corrected issue where the remove request button had no clickable button or hand cursor when a request was selected.
Resolved issue where tabs in the Profile page were not displayed when the checkbox was already selected.
Fixed issue where archived stocks were getting removed when merging the entire stock list.
Corrected the selection checkbox for the current list and entire list not clearing after unselecting a transaction.
Prevented white spaces from being accepted in the Claim - Comments field.
Fixed issue where the pagination show per page limit value was not returning to default when changing tabs in Claim.
Resolved white space issues in Claim.
Fixed error when trying to cancel Google sign-in.
Corrected improper warning message for invalid user login using Google sign-in.
Resolved error when trying to sign in with email.
Fixed issue where the invitation link for a newly added team member was not working.
Corrected issue where the map view for connections was not working properly.
Resolved issue where new users could not be added via the Admin dashboard.
Fixed issue where admin login was not possible.
Corrected issue where Trace was not loading when clicking the back button continuously from Trace in development.
Fixed redirection to Admin when logging in with a Node user in development.
Prevented the ability to go back to the login page from Trace in development.
Resolved issue where the page was not loading when clicking on the Join Trace link in development.
Fixed issue where newly added Super Admin accounts could not be logged into using the invitation link via the Admin dashboard.
Corrected issue where the Exit view as admin was not working correctly.
Resolved error when trying to export data via the Admin dashboard.
Fixed error when trying to log in with email in the staging environment.
Unblocked Google sign-in in the staging environment.
Resolved issue where logging in with new connections resulted in an “access forbidden” error.
Corrected “access forbidden” error in the staging environment.
Fixed issue where the Farmer page could not be opened via the Admin dashboard.
Resolved issue where users were exited from “view as admin” via the Admin dashboard.
Corrected issue where company status remained inactive even after verification via the Admin dashboard.
Fixed error when clicking on Storytelling and Trace dashboard theming toggle via the Admin dashboard.
Corrected issue where the country code was not dynamically updating when a user selected a country via the Admin dashboard.
Resolved “forbidden” error when editing the Farmer profile page in production.
Fixed issue where invite emails were not sent when a new company was invited via the Admin dashboard in development.
Corrected issue where clicking the back button from the “Add multiple farmers” form redirected to the Stock list page in development.
Fixed issue where input field types could not be added in “Create new Claim” in development.
Resolved “credentials expired” message when exiting “view as admin” in a tab in development.
Fixed error when trying to invite a company to send stock in development.
Resolved token expiration issues in Trace and Admin.
Fixed “access forbidden” error when inviting a new company with an existing email ID in production.
Corrected error pop-up when canceling a remove stock transaction in development.
Fixed issue where the selection checkbox for the current and entire list was not clearing after a remove stock transaction in development.
Resolved error when bulk uploading stock via the Trace template in development.
Fixed issue where login to Trace with a new company was not possible.
Corrected issue where documents could not be deleted from the profile in Trace.
Resolved issue where the exported Stock loss report could not be downloaded in Trace.
Fixed error when trying to add a new team member in Trace.
Corrected issue where companies not in the connections were showing in the Stock request in Trace.
Added validation for the Connection type field in the Farmer bulk upload Trace template.
Fixed issue where the company name change was not reflecting after an edit in Trace.
Resolved error when trying to remove a team member in Trace.
Corrected issue where logging in for the first time resulted in an error and redirection to the App Selection page in development.
Dashboard V 4.1.0
New Features:
Angular version upgrade for Trace and shared components including the farmer passbook.
Added archive action button for stock listing and integrated it into the transactions.
Implemented the selecting feature in transactions and archived both stock and transactions in a common component.
Integrated archive functionality in the transaction report and added illustrations and filters in the archived list component.
Completed the API integration for archived transaction history and stock actions.
Implemented transaction and stock automation features, including stock merging and stock loss actions.
Completed Git integration and automated testing for Trace using Cypress.
Conducted FE code review and began planning for the custom theme creation module.
Automated various features, including the claim page, company listings, user profiles, and logout.
Developed the claim verification feature and provided updates to the claims and connection sections.
Conducted R&D on Google Earth integration and ArcGis map documentation.
Continued E2E testing and improved code structure for login and connection updates.
Supported the Pure Africa storytelling initiative with Excel integration.
Created, reviewed, and updated automation test cases in Confluence.
Provided demo support and conducted internal demos.
Completed the archive stock and transaction feature.
- Updated shared components, including changelog and documentation, for better usability and maintenance.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue where all processed stocks were sent after editing the quantity from the stock list page.
Resolved a bug where non-archived stocks were displayed in the archive list when sorting was applied.
Restored the missing sort icon for transaction date in the Stock Action Archive.
Fixed an issue where selected transactions in the Archive were not cleared when clicking the “Clear Selection” button.
Resolved pagination issues for the Archived Stock list.
Corrected a bug where unarchiving the current list caused the entire list, except the current one, to get unarchived.
Fixed an issue where selected stocks from the Stock Archive List were displayed in the Stock List.
Corrected a bug where unselecting a stock from the stock list caused it to be selected instead of deselected.
Fixed selection options appearing when both the archive and stock lists were empty.
Addressed filter issues in the transaction history archive list.
Resolved a bug where the “Select Current List” option remained selected even after the list was moved to Archive.
Auth V 2.0.0
New Features:
Conducted SSO workflow discussions.
Upgraded Angular version for the Admin dashboard.
Implemented the SSO authorize page component.
Updated the SSO error and success pages.
Completed R&D on React basics.
Added redirection for authentication pages when not logged in.
Integrated SSO with the Trace dashboard.
Integrated SSO with the Admin dashboard.
Implemented token handling in the React app for SSO.
Conducted redirection testing for the Trace application with SSO.
Integrated refresh token logic into the Trace app for SSO.
Performed SSO code integration testing.
Integrated APIs for invite/accept-node invite pages.
Set up unit testing boilerplate for the login app using Jest.
Completed the final cleanup for the Admin dashboard.
Fixed API integration issues for SSO on the Admin dashboard.
Conducted internal demo for SSO suggestions.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the issue where “Forgot Password” for email login was not working.
Resolved the issue preventing the addition of new connections as a company.
Fixed the issue where adding a connection as a single farmer was not working.
Corrected the map view for connections not displaying properly.
Resolved the issue preventing new users from being added via the Admin dashboard.
Fixed the issue preventing company invitations via the Admin dashboard.
Corrected filters not working in the Companies section of the Admin dashboard.
Fixed the loading issue in the Admin dashboard where it would not stop.
Resolved the redirection issue where accessing the admin URL redirected to the Trace page in development.
Corrected the “Exit view as admin” functionality not working correctly.
Fixed the issue where a new team member in Trace was being redirected to the Admin dashboard upon login.
Resolved the issue where the stage admin URL redirected to the development login.
Fixed the blank page issue when logging in with admin credentials in the staging environment.
Corrected “access forbidden” errors when logging in with an admin account in staging.
Resolved the redirection issue where clicking on a farmer from the connections page would redirect to the Trace dashboard in development.
Backend V 2.0.0
New Features:
Implemented email preferences functionality.
Verified transactions for Dole.
Conducted blockchain testing in production environment.
Imported farmers for ACPCU.
Conducted development/stage testing.
Counted ACPC and Ndugu farmers.
Updated storytelling in production environment.
Resolved dashboard theme issue related to Theme object in Company details API.
Provided ACPCU summary.
Bug Fixes:
Resolved issue of creating duplicate transactions and farmers.
Fixed error occurring during email setup when adding team members in the admin.
Addressed issue where farmers were not listed if latitude and longitude details were missing during dynamic template file upload.
Limited the display to 10 error-containing lists with province in dynamic template, remaining are not listed.
Resolved issues with Dole transactions.
Fixed farmer count showing as zero after sending entire stock list in both development and production environments.
Fixed issue where trace page was not loading upon clicking details options from emails in development environment.
Addressed email preference issues in development environment.
Dashboard V 4.0.5
New Features:
Added card icon in farmer transactions on the consumer interface.
Implemented unit testing for various modules
Layout module basic structure
Dashboard componentCreate connection (Popup, new connection company, and farmer)
Trace module
Connections module: list view and map view
Notifications moduleCode coverage increased to 40%
Dynamic template upload module - transaction type
Dynamic template upload - connection type
Process stock (Merge, convert)
Process stock (Receive)
Process stock (Send stock)
Updates in storytelling
ID for Automation - Document
Process stock parent component
Automation ID updates
Development/Stage testing
Identified Dashboard Theme issue
Researched and developed SSO integration
Conducted email preference testing in development environment
Tested header and its base component
Identified packages not supported by Angular LTS
Identified and removed deprecated packages in storytelling
Conducted stage testing for the Trace module
- Turned off the option for Email notification preference.
Bug Fixes:
Resolved issue causing 404 error on Link fields page after uploading dynamic template in the stage environment.
Fixed display of wrong product during dynamic transaction upload in development environment.
Resolved error occurring on the link fields page in development environment.
Fixed issue where trace page was not loading upon clicking details options from emails in development environment.
Resolved 404 error when trying to open rejected transaction details page in development environment.
Fixed issue where all email toggle buttons were disabled when Request option was disabled in development environment.
Dashboard V 4.0.4
New Features:
Request Module -Implemented a request for information popup.
Connections Module -Added unit tests to enhance functionality.
Stock Listing -Conducted testing for select all actions.
Stock Listing - Implemented table unit testing for improved stability.
Farmer Profile Unit TestingAdd Reference - Enhanced unit testing.
Farm and Plot - Improved unit tests.Documents - Strengthened unit testing.
Details -Enhanced unit tests for details.
Income - Improved unit testing coverage.
Farmer Activities - Ensured comprehensive unit tests.
Claim Module Unit TestingClaim List - Thorough unit testing.
Claim Information -Ensured comprehensive testing.
Claim Details - Strengthened unit testing.
Claim Evidence - Implemented thorough unit testing.
Company Profile Module Unit Testing
Basic Details - Conducted unit testing for enhanced functionality.
Team Members -Implemented unit testing to ensure reliability.
Frontend Unit Testing
Parent-Child Initialization Issue Fix -Resolved and conducted unit testing.
Transaction Action and User Profile -Implemented unit testing for improved reliability.
Bug Fixes:
Upload/Verification Page Error - Resolved the error occurring on the upload/verification page in the staging environment.
NaN Text and UI Breakage -Fixed the issue causing NaN text on the transaction report page and UI breakage in the production environment.
Dashboard V 4.0.3
New Features:
Stock List Select All Update Feature: Conducted a discussion and implemented updates to the select all feature.
Identifying Incomplete Sections/Tasks: Identified and addressed incomplete sections/tasks.
Dashboard Module Unit Testing:Map View Component
Conducted unit testing for the map view component.
Supply Chain Component: Completed unit testing for the supply chain component.
Select All Feature Testing:
Stage: Conducted feature testing for the select all feature in the stage environment.
Development: Continued select all feature testing in the development environment.
Detailed Loader in Transaction Report Page (Trace Tab): Implemented a detailed loader for improved user experience.
Connections - Add Farmer:Details:
Updated and enhanced details for adding a farmer.
Address: Included address information in the process of adding a farmer.
Testcase Preparation: Prepared test cases for various scenarios.
Custom ID and Page Limit:
Buttons and Text Inputs: Added custom IDs to buttons and text inputs.
Select All Feature: Increased the page limit for improved usability.
Stock Listing Filters Unit Testing: Conducted unit testing for stock listing filters.
Backlog Retest: Retested items from the backlog.
Get Batch Summary API Integration: Integrated the get batch summary API.
Change Google Map API Key: Updated the Google Map API key in the frontend.
Unit Testing - How to Write Session: Conducted unit testing for writing sessions.
Retesting - Development: Retested issues in the development environment.
Regression Testing:
Frontend: Addressed and resolved frontend regression issues on the stage.
Backend: Resolved backend regression issues on the stage.
Storytelling Interface Creation: Created a storytelling interface.
Navigate Impact - Knowledge Transfer: Transferred knowledge for navigating impact.
Bug Fixes:
Dashboard UI Issues (Mobile View): Resolved UI issues for mobile view.
Stock Selection and Quantity Display
Not Displaying Quantity After Selecting Products.
Stocks Not Getting Selected After Applying Filter.
Wrong Count on Stock Listing Page.
Not Displaying Stocks on the Page.
Quantity Not Displaying After Unselecting Stock.
Wrong Item Count After Unselecting Products.
Email and Excel IssuesInvalid Email Error with Capital Letters.
Excel Download Issue on Stock Page.
Connections and Stock Listing Issues:
Supplier Details on Buyer Tab.
Wrong Row Count on Stock Listing Page.
Not Listing Entire Product After Clear Selection.
Getting +4 Rows Option After Applying Product Filter.
Products Not Listing After Clear Selection.
Products Not Listing After Applying Product Filter.
Dashboard V 4.0.2
New Features:
Transaction date format has been updated.
Number format information has been added to the Income page statistics.
Repository configuration improvements.
Research and Development conducted on library development.
Frontend unit tests for service implemented.
Unit tests and issue fixes for existing frontend issues.
Regression issues addressed in the development.
Unit testing and code optimization performed.
Material library updates for frontend.
Components made standalone for better integration.
Select All feature testing conducted in development and stage environments.
Unit testing and end-to-end testing for stock list selection in frontend.
Trace test cases documented.
Unique identification added to frontend elements.
Automation tasks for Team Members.
Code documentation and preparation of other documents.
Codebase improvements in two parts.
Setup documentation added to Fairfood applications.
Code documentation in storytelling for frontend.
Open source documentation in farmer passbook, login app, and admin application.
Detailed documentation for frontend trace module.
Unit testing for the transaction module in frontend.
Translation feature added to the transaction, stock, claim, and trace modules.
Stage testing conducted for Trace Dashboard.
Translation feature added to farmer profile and connections, dashboard, and company profile.
Farmer profile polygon upload and testing.
Stock listing page Select All feature enhanced.
Logic change in stock listing for improved functionality.
Bug Fixes:
Request for information popup issue fixed.
Display issue with only 50 batches after selecting entire stock list fixed.
Searched text not clearing from the page issue resolved.
Various display and selection issues in stock, filter, and pagination fixed.
Transaction with future dates prevented.
UI issues on Add connections, Receive stock page, Request stock fixed.
Stock display issues after Remove stock fixed.
Country code selection issue addressed.
UI issues in system testing fixed.
Claim description not displaying on the transaction report page fixed.
Stock selection issue resolved.
Data not displaying on Supplier filter option fixed.
Location pointing issue on adding plot with Accurate type fixed.
Continue button disabled on Accurate popup issue fixed.
Claim icon not showing in production fixed.
Backend V 1.0.1
New Features:
Updated the claim detail page in the backend.
Added company claims in the storytelling interface by including company claims in the stages API.
Introduced an invoice number field in the payment table.
- Made dynamic template connections by making the connection type non-mandatory and setting the default value to ‘Farmer’.
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved the issue of incorrect data on the summary page after adding farmers through Excel in the development environment.
- Fixed the problem of getting an invalid identification number and country code on the trace template in the stage and development environments.
- Corrected the display of different identification numbers on the trace template in the production environment.
- Updated the product name display on stages and claim popups in the development environment.
- Resolved a Sentri issue in the production environment.
- Fixed the issue where the connection type displayed as “Farmer” in the listing page but as “Collector” in the trace template in the stage environment.
- Ensured the display of claim names on storytelling and claim popups when switching to Dutch in the development environment.
- Enabled the deletion of added interventions from the database, resolving a type error in the development environment.
Backend V 1.1.1
Bug fixes:
Fixed the issue where data was not displaying on the connection type column in the development environment.
Corrected the issue where the “Not verified” status was appearing under the verification type in the production and stage environments.
Backend V 1.0.0
New Features:
Enhanced paginated API for connection (company and farm).
Created a comprehensive test case plan and status sheet.
Addressed data loading issues on the Stock listing page.
Restructured the API for improved performance.
Developed a test plan, added test tasks, and generated coverage reports.
Added missing fields in connections API for completeness.
Implemented Dynamic Bulk Upload Validation and Error Handling.
Resolved Dynamic Upload issues and improved data save logic.
Introduced a verification feature for farmer passbook.
Created APIs for excel preview and header detection.
Modified Trace template and pre-filled existing farmer data.
Upgraded Python version.
Made changes to Dynamic templates and uploads.
Implemented a preview API for templates.
Updated Dynamic templates with a new schema.
Added and updated schema validations.
Improved save logic for Dynamic templates.
Made API changes in Dynamic templates and uploads.
Updated Dynamic Template Update Summary APIs.
Validated product, currency, and unit in creating transaction templates.
Retested Dynamic templates.
Conducted Trace Template testing.
Retested Angular 15 and Dynamic templates.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed issues related to data display, search, and filters in various sections.
Resolved validation, upload, and error handling problems.
Corrected UI issues and inconsistencies.
Addressed issues with company creation, export, and listing.
Fixed issues related to anonymous and specific connections.
Improved data visibility and display in summary pages.
Resolved errors and issues during template uploads.
Fixed issues related to duplicates, missing data, and product validation.
Corrected issues with stock listing, errors, and filters.
Addressed issues related to farmer profiles, connections, and stock listing.
Improved data validation and display in Trace templates.
Fixed issues related to trace template uploads and data display.
Addressed issues with company creation from trace templates.
Improved data visibility and consistency in various sections.
V 4.2.0
New Features:
- Added pagination to the Connection listing page.
- Integrated the Auth module into the Angular 15 project.
- Implemented an error handling service for the new Angular 15 app.
- Conducted unit testing for the Authentication section in Angular 15.
- Converted shared modules to standalone components.
- Integrated the Trace Dashboard layout component in Angular 15.
- Integrated styles and created themes.
- Removed unnecessary Bootstrap styles.
- Optimized the Header component.
- Utilized SCSS features to create common style components.
- Installed Material Google Map instead of AGM Map.
- Updated the Claim detail page.
- Optimized the Notification section.
- Integrated the Sidebar component.
- Created new pages.
- Established the foundation for the layout.
- Integrated Company profile with Angular updates.
- Integrated remaining components of the Company profile.
- Integrated Dashboard pie charts.
- Integrated Dashboard tabular data.
- Implemented filters and map view for the Connection page.
- Optimized the Add Connection feature.
- Integrated the Request module.
- Integrated the Transaction module.
- Integrated Transaction report functionality.
- Made changes to Stock listing.
- Integrated Stock actions.
- Integrated the Claims section.
- Integrated Stock detail page.
- Integrated User profile functionality.
- Addressed Google Map compatibility issue.
- Conducted Connection page testing.
- Conducted web application testing.
- Created basic configuration for Dynamic template upload.
- Implemented the template listing page for Dynamic template upload.
- Enabled uploading new templates for Dynamic template upload.
- Implemented column mapping for Dynamic template upload.
- Saved template configuration for Dynamic template upload.
- Uploaded transactions using Dynamic template upload.
- Implemented Excel validation for Dynamic template upload.
- Displayed error page for Dynamic template upload.
- Validated columns for Dynamic template upload.
- Displayed success page for Dynamic template upload.
- Integrated the Farmer profile module.
- Conducted system testing for Angular 15 update.
- Reviewed and approved design changes.
- Fixed bugs related to request popups.
- Resolved general bugs in Angular 15.
- Made changes to the Connection farmer upload feature.
- Removed unnecessary code from the Connection map view.
- Retested and performed system testing for Angular 15.
- Conducted dynamic template testing.
- Continued testing for the Connection page.
- Retested Dynamic templates.
- Conducted testing for the Request page.
- Tested Trace Templates.
- Reviewed and approved design changes for dynamic template screens.
- Resolved general bugs in the dashboard.
- Retested Angular 15 and Dynamic templates.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the issue of being unable to add connections.
Resolved the problem of a blank add connection popup.
Corrected pagination on the Connection page.
Fixed errors when creating connections with existing company names.
Resolved the problem of not navigating to stock details from the listing page.
Removed the Edit option from the company profile.
Fixed the missing quantity > kg in the dashboard.
Enabled the map expand option on the dashboard.
Corrected data issues with the pie chart on the dashboard.
Fixed the display issues of Supply chain overview and Product and claim list on the dashboard.
Resolved various UI issues.
Fixed issues with displaying country and province, and mandatory fields in company profile.
Addressed the issue of reference number not displaying on transactions listing.
Fixed pagination issues while switching tabs.
Removed text from fields and fixed calendar icon issues.
Corrected the redirection problem to the Trace Dashboard page.
Fixed the selected stock count display.
Resolved the issue of displaying selected items when no stocks were selected.
Enabled the process stock option on the stock listing page.
Corrected product listing issues during conversion.
Fixed the display of merge stock option.
Addressed the problem of receiving stock with future dates.
Fixed the issue with the View selected batch option.
Corrected the redirection issue when switching the supply chain.
Fixed the problem of company name not displaying when sending stocks.
Enabled the Continue button on the Add connection address page.
Resolved the issue of being unable to invite farmers.
Fixed stock listing issues based on supply chain selection.
Addressed issues with the Select All feature.
Fixed the problem of not listing stocks after clearing selections.
Enabled the Clear Filters feature on the Connection page.
Resolved UI issues on the Connection page.
Fixed issues related to country code selection.
Prevented navigation without adding mandatory fields.
Fixed search text not clearing from the search option.
Addressed data clearing issues when switching tabs.
Fixed the issue of the map not displaying the plot tab.
Resolved issues with item per page and page navigation.
Fixed the redirection issue after removing stocks from the view selected batch page.
Enabled the Farmer type filter on the connections page.
Fixed the issue of getting the select all option in the view selected page.
Corrected the display of all stocks after sorting from the view selected batch page.
Addressed the Remove stock issue.
Fixed stock listing issues.
Corrected the select all stock count issue on the stock listing page.
Fixed the issue of applied filters not displaying on the stock listing page.
Prevented all stocks from displaying on the listing page after clearing filters.
Removed the activity tab from the company profile page.
Enabled pagination for supply chain overview on the dashboard.
Fixed errors when adding a supplier.
Addressed issues with mapped column values not displaying.
Corrected issues with NaN text in the Data starts at field.
Fixed problems with mapping columns and error display on continue button click.
Addressed transaction time issues on the mapping page.
Corrected issues with the previous page being disabled.
Fixed the enabled continue button on the mapping page.
Prevented uploading files without data.
Resolved frontend error display issues.
Provided valid messages on the summary page when uploading the same file.
Fixed filters not displaying on the Farmers tab.
Addressed country code issues when not providing a phone number.
Fixed the issue of getting a successful text after clicking on Remove All option.
Enabled error display on the Link field page.
Fixed issues with the calendar popup.
Prevented selected products from being removed on Link fields page.
Corrected the display of uploaded data on the Upload/verification page.
Fixed issues with “No transaction data” while uploading the same file.
Disabled the continue button on the Link fields page.
Addressed errors after updating columns.
Enabled the upload option when selecting a Trace template.
Fixed errors not displaying on the page.
Prevented all Excel titles from displaying on the listing page.
Fixed issues with notifications not listing after searching.
Disabled the continue button after uploading an Excel file with no data.
Fixed the issue of the first name column being fixed on the Trace template.
Addressed various UI issues.
V 3.2.0
New Features:
Raw template data can now be stored in the DynamicTemplateUpload table, enabling more efficient data management.
The logic for bulk-creating transactions (dynamic) has been updated to use IDs from the Farmer-ID table, improving data accuracy.
Code quality improvements have been merged into the main branch, enhancing overall codebase quality.
Creator name and email fields have been added to all export sheets, providing additional information for exported data.
A user profile design has been created, including notifications, terms & conditions, and member organizations.
Bug Fixes:
The duplicate warning message now correctly displays when uploading the same Excel file multiple times in the “Add Farmer” feature.
The validation modal no longer appears without any error in the uploaded Excel file in the connections page.
The export download for the Income page in the farmer profile now functions properly in the demo environment.
Development issues occurring after merging the Code quality branch have been resolved.
The “Date of join” field now appears correctly in the farmer export sheet in the staging environment.
The 500 error encountered when clicking on a stock has been fixed in the development environment.
The error that occurred while uploading Excel files has been resolved in the development environment.
The issue related to selecting all stocks (approximately 1100) has been addressed, fixing the Sentry error.
Email issues in the development environment have been resolved.
The issue with Excel files in the development environment has been fixed.
Stock export now functions correctly in the staging environment.
Users can now log in to the farmer passbook in the development environment.
The “Something went wrong” error message no longer appears when assigning/reassigning cards to farmers in the development environment.
The “Unknown” text in the “Created from” column has been resolved in the staging environment.
V 3.1.1
New Features:
- Created Farmer profile design.
- Added a Map on the Plot page.
- Added an Edit option for Plot.
- Added Search and filters in the payments page.
- Added a field “Verification type” with values (card/Receipt, not verified).
- Added a Country flag in the details page.
- Updated company profile design both logged-in company and connection profile
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Production issues/feedback on the Transaction report page.
- Fixed the issue of added profile image not displaying on the Edit page.
- Fixed the issue of not loading the Farmer Profile page.
- Fixed the issue of not navigating to the plot details page while clicking on the stage.
- Fixed the issue of displaying Add connection title on the Plot details Add/Edit popup.
- Fixed the issue of getting 400 error while clicking the Update option on the Plot details popup.
- Fixed the issue of not displaying validation messages for longitude and latitude field.
- Fixed the issue of not displaying logs in the Logs page.
- Fixed the issue of consent type not updating.
- Fixed the issue of the default Farmer type not displaying on the Edit page.
- Fixed the issue of being unable to save the company profile page after the Edit.
- Fixed the issue of the Country flag.
V 3.1.0
New Features:
- Updated transaction premium table.
- Updated premium table.
- Created script to update all payments to the premium table.
- Updated create transaction logic for compatibility with old app API calls.
- Modified get premiums API to exclude project details.
- Created payments sync API.
- Created/modified add payment API.
- Designed Trace page for frontend.
- Integrated map view inside Trace tab for frontend.
- Integrated Trace stages UI for frontend.
- Integrated Trace tab API for frontend.
- Made changes to the Trace page.
- Added address and location fields to the payment table.
- Tested redesign of the Transaction report page.
- Created transaction receipt file popup for frontend.
- Released Transaction report page.
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where the selection was removing data.
Corrected spelling error to display “Transactions” instead of “Transaction”.
Fixed issue where wrong transaction data was displaying on the Trace page.
Corrected source details on the Transaction report page.
Fixed the issue where farmer details were not displaying on the right side of the page.
Fixed issue where “No data found” text was displaying after applying date filters.
Corrected issue where some actors were not listed in the Actor filters option on the Transaction page.
Fixed the issue where the scroll was not working on the Trace page.
Fixed issue where the removed stock note was not displaying on the Basic page.
Addressed UI issues.
Fixed the issue where actors were not loading on the Trace page.
Fixed the pagination issue on the Transaction page.
Fixed issue where attachment could not be added on the docs page.
V 3.0.5
New Features:
Added flag ‘isAdmin’ in company profile API.
Created Trace page designs and integrated Trace stages UI.
Implemented map view within the Trace tab.
Users can now download transaction report as a PDF.
Added Trace tab API integration.
Redesigned transaction report page and added a transaction receipt file popup.
Bug fixes
Resolved issue with displaying wrong transaction data on Trace page.
Corrected source details on Transaction report page.
Fixed issue with farmer details not displaying correctly on the right side of the page.
Removed “No data found” text after applying date filters.
Corrected issue with missing actors on Transaction page Actor filters option.
Resolved issue with pages auto-refreshing.
Fixed issue with scrolling on Trace page.
Restored display of removed stock note on Basic page.
Corrected UI issues on Dev, including actors not loading on Trace page and pagination issue on Transaction page.
Users can now add attachments on docs page.
Fixed data display issue on stages and resolved inability to upload Excel files through the “Receive stock from multiple farmers” option on Stage.
V 3.0.0
New Features:
Modified logic for duplicate transactions.
Created Transaction Batch report UI design, including comments.
Added Payment Tab to Transaction report, based on video.
Updated Transaction report claim page.
Integrated Transaction report API and added claim and documents tabs to detail page.
Integrated Transaction receipt API for Frontend.
- Redesigned transaction details page.
- Reviewed and made improvements to Transaction report
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved Transaction report page redirection issue.
- Corrected Farmer count displaying as zero on transaction report basic page.
- Fixed issue with not navigating to claim tab when clicking on claims on Transaction report page.
- Resolved display of claim with pending status on claim page.
- Fixed issue with displaying duplicate list on Docs page.
- Resolved bulk upload listing issue.
- Corrected issue with getting object text in claims.
- Fixed pagination error.
- Checked alignment, padding, and updated font size and color.
V 2.9.0
New Features:
- Added the ability to upload multiple farmer excel files for stock reception.
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with Premium updates not being reflected in product list API.
V 2.8.0
New Features:
Added Export data API functionality.
Changed export and notification icons.
Improved export functionality and added UI changes for exporting as Excel.
Created ability to export data with improved UI design.
Bug fixes
Resolved issue with displaying Merge Summary instead of Transaction details.
Fixed issue with currency breaking.
Corrected inability to select products on Demo.
Fixed blockchain address breaking.
Resolved issue with exported files displaying in another company.
Removed extra data displaying on exported files.
Changed “Create by” to “Created by” on stock export.
Corrected blockchain Hash not displaying on stock list export.
Fixed issue with not redirecting to Trace URL.
Resolved Stock Details title breaking and alignment issues.
Fixed inability to export from Transactions page.
V 2.7.0
New Features:
Stock new UI integration has been added.
Claim list component has been modified.
Tab component has been extended with active and inactive states.
Autocomplete dropdown has been updated for Product and Company.
The stock form has been updated and integrated with UI.
Claims page design has been updated.
“No stock found” text on the stock page now has an illustration.
Select All option on the Stock page has been reworked.
Merge stock new UI integration has been added.
Receive stock: Single farmer new design integration has been added.
Bug fixes
Pagination, UI, button, and date issues resolved.
Issues with stock selection, product filtering, and summary display fixed.
Navigation, mouse hover, and count issues addressed.
Claim and transaction details issues resolved, including evidence and quantity clearing.
Invite connection popup and merge stock option issues fixed.
Add new product and file upload issues resolved.
Quantity restrictions and save button disabling issues fixed.
- Connection popup improvements have been added.
V 2.6.0
New Features:
No new features have been added in this release. Bug fixes
Fixed issue with bulk upload feature where last name of farmers was showing in the wrong tab.
Fixed issue with claim inheritance during convert and merge process.
Fixed issue with radio button selection in filter list on stock page.
Fixed UI issues in edit batch modal and company profile rework.
Fixed issue with missing claim evidences in CI V2.
Fixed issue with removing stock from stock listing page.
Fixed issue with error while inviting team members.
Fixed validation error messages on complete profile page.
Fixed issue with incorrect items per page count on active supply chain page.
Fixed issue with connection label in supply chain.
Fixed issue with rounding KG to 2 decimal places.
Fixed issue with clear filter option breaking.
Fixed issue with source quantity alignment and unit removal.
Fixed issue with disabled Invite connection button.
Removed “All Supply chain” option from requests page.
Improved the pagination of the “supply chain overview” widget.
Clicking on the previous page button will now bring scroll instead of pagination, same as the stock widget.Increased the ping interval of the notification API.
V 2.5.0
New Features:
Synchronized the updated_on field in farmer and card edit.
Added code documentation and unit tests in the collector app.
Implemented Material UI development in the stock list.
Reworked the company profile in Material UI.
Changed the clear filter option to a clear filter button in the stock, transactions, and claims pages.
Created a field to store farmer dynamic fields.
Added reference numbers in stock and transaction listing APIs.
Bug fixes
Various UI issues in different pages (refer to attachments).
Mandatory fields should not accept only white spaces as values.
User is not able to go to stock details page (refer description).
Filters are not working properly in various pages.
Pagination, assignor filter, and other issues in different pages.
Incorrect file format warning is not showing.
Duplicate evidence displaying in claims.
And other minor bugs.
- Code cleanup and readme updation
- Reduce the filter size to improve page layout
V 2.5.0
New Features:
Synchronized the updated_on field in farmer and card edit.
Added code documentation and unit tests in the collector app.
Implemented Material UI development in the stock list.
Reworked the company profile in Material UI.
Changed the clear filter option to a clear filter button in the stock, transactions, and claims pages.
Created a field to store farmer dynamic fields.
Added reference numbers in stock and transaction listing APIs.
Bug fixes
Various UI issues in different pages (refer to attachments).
Mandatory fields should not accept only white spaces as values.
User is not able to go to stock details page (refer description).
Filters are not working properly in various pages.
Pagination, assignor filter, and other issues in different pages.
Incorrect file format warning is not showing.
Duplicate evidence displaying in claims.
And other minor bugs.
- Code cleanup and readme updation
- Reduce the filter size to improve page layout