Company Details Endpoint
Get Company Details endpoint allows you to retrieve detailed information about a specific company within the supply chain by making a GET request. Provide the hash ID of the company in the endpoint URL.
Path Parameters
Name of the company.
1 - 500
Unique identifier for the company.
The currency used by the company for financial transactions.
The buyer entity associated with the company.
Information related to the entity card of the company.
Forms associated with the company.
Field visibilities configured for the company.
Premiums owned by the company.
Date and time when the company information was last updated.
Date and time when the company was created.
URL to the photo or logo of the company.
Description or additional information about the company.
Name of the house or building where the company is located.
Name of the street where the company is located.
Name of the city where the company is located.
Name of the sub-province where the company is located.
Name of the province where the company is located.
Latitude coordinate of the company's location.
Longitude coordinate of the company's location.
Postal code or ZIP code of the area where the company is located.
Name of the country where the company is located.
Email address of the company.
Phone number of the company.
Indicates whether buying functionality is enabled for the company.
Indicates whether selling functionality is enabled for the company.
Indicates whether quality correction is enabled for the company.
Indicates whether multiple logins are allowed for the company.
Identifier of the user who created the company.
Identifier of the user who last updated the company.
Members associated with the company.
Products associated with the company.