Trace Connect Server provides APIs to allow external services to access resources on a user’s behalf with the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

Supported OAuth 2.0 flows

We support the following OAuth 2.0 flows:

  • Client Credential

We don’t support Implicit Grant and Resource Owner Password Credentials flows, as they will be deprecated in the next OAuth specification version.

Note Support for the other OAuth 2.0 flows will be available soon.

For more information on how these flows work, see OAuth RFC

Authorization using Client Credential Grant

This flow lets you securely perform the OAuth exchange of client credentials for access tokens on confidential clients. The following steps and parameters describe our implementation of this flow.

Steps included

  • The client authenticates with the authorization server and requests an access token from the token endpoint.
  • The authorization server authenticates the client, and if valid,issues an access token.